![]() catpetterz * egg * bluecircle |
catpetterzAs you may know, Cat Petterz 2 is one of this admin's favorite games. To those that don't know, it's a game where you take care of a cat and raise it. Sounds simple, right? XD Actually, the game has a REALLY deep animation and breeding system... So players have been able to hex edit the game data to create brand-new pets. If you download the right mods, you can raise birds, hamsters, cars, cartoon characters, and even more. Mewmewqueen's Sympton family pack is a great example of how far things can go. However, you have to be careful, because, not all mods are very compatible. When pets fall in love, an egg appears and it hatches into a new pet that combines the animation and visual data of the two parents. Meaning, if you try to breed a hamster and a car, you'll either get a complete freak of nature XD Or, worse, you'll get this message. "Incompatible pet" Then the game will freeze and the music will glitch out. I was so scared of seeing this message as a kid, I would punish my pets so that they would NEVER fall in love. If an egg did appear, I would throw in the trash right away. Until one day... |
eggIf you have no pets, it's known that there's a rare chance for an egg to appear giving you a random pet. This is the only way to get some of the secret cats in the game, which are still super rare on top of THAT. So it's a lot of waiting for eggs, hatching them, and throwing away tons of cats trying to get the perfect character (This caused other problems but I'll explain that another time XP) But, one day when I was trying to get the ultimate cat, something weird happened. A white egg showed up on my screen, but there was a message with it. "SPECIAL" I was really excited. I've never gotten a special egg before. In fact I'd never even heard of it at all. I sat there for an hour waiting to see what it would turn out to be. Maybe I would be the first one to discover a brand-new cat? But what was weird is, the egg never hatched. I started to worry that it was some kind of glitch, so I decided to try and get rid of it before it hurt my computer... and that's where things got REALLY strange. No matter what I did, I couldn't move or throw away the egg. I tried clicking it over and over, and in the end, all that happened is it made some sort of weird sound. This freaked me out so much I deleted the game and reinstalled it. ... but the egg was still there. (Obviously XP) Now that I'm older I think what happened is, I had so many mods installed that the egg didn't know what to hatch into? But at the time I thought my computer was haunted or something, or the egg was going to kill me XD After a few hours of freaking out, I eventually faced my fears and loaded up the game again. The egg was there, but it didn't seem to be doing anything. So I started raising it like it was a normal pet, brushing it and playing with it and stuff. By the end of the day, I actually started thinking it was a cool pet and maybe I could try to figure out how to upload it online as a mod. I wasn't able to do that though. The next day when I opened the game, the egg was gone, with a message that said it "left home due to happiness." Usually the message is "(pet) left home due to sadness" and only happens because you neglected your pet. It's not supposed to happen because you were nice XD One last thing! The egg actually had a name but I don't remember what it was. It's been driving me crazy ever since. If anyone else has ever seen an egg in their game like this PLEASE sign my guestbook. PLEASE. First one gets 100 cheasy points from me XP |
bluecircleI barely ever receive fan mail (no pressure guys XD), but just in case I ever get an email from anyone out there, I have this habit of always reading my spam mail, just in case it's someone real. Mostly it's just weird stuff like "hochi mamas can get big too" (promise I wasn't looking at any weird sites guys... mmkay? XD) But one day, one of the spams I got was nothing but random letters and numbers. I figured it was probably a failed attempt at sending me a virus, but I thought... what if I tried putting it into Cat Petterz 2 as a mod? So I did. And weirdly enough, it actually managed to load. For people that don't know the game, it has a special visual style. All the pets are made of circles that get animated around. One circle will be the head, another the eyes, another the pupil, another the body etc. But I guess the game didn't like the data very much because this pet was only one blue circle. Yeah, just ONE blue circle floating in the air. The animations didn't work and it never moved, except for occasionally glitching out. All of the stats were really bad and all of my pets really hated it except for... certain ones .... lol… I couldn't explain why anyone liked it, but it was really funny to see who did XD What's weird is that the circle seemed to be able to multiply. Normally you need 2 pets to fall in love to make a new pet, but after a while, even if the circle was by itself, a "Congrulations!" message would come up, and then there would be 2 circles. I thought this was funny, but the circles started piling up. I tried to throw them in the trash, but they were multiplying too fast. My screen was nothing but "Congraulations" messages when the game crashed. Needless to say I had to wipe all my pets >< Lesson learned about using files from weird emails ......... (Until next time... dun dun DAAA XD) |