Strings Attached

Spamton G. Spamton



Various animations (from)

Overworld and battle spritesheets (altered)


Various animations (from) (from) (from)

Various overworld-style sprites
(original - apologies if the Spa and Spass area little off!
The original Spa embrodery is not pixel accurate so it was a little difficult to translate)


Spamton mosquito sprite from UTDR Mailing List (Issue 3)
Specil thanks to ink.poizining!

Spamton Kissing Booth sprite from UTDR Mailing List (Issue 5)

Spamton Valestines Cards from UTDR Mailing List (Issue 5)
Specil thanks to btmtier!

The sprites are the same as those seen in-game and in the $weepstakes,
but thought I should include these here anyway since they don't really fit anywhere else

Spamton roasting on a spit sprite from UTDR Mailing List (Issue 6)

The sprite appears to be an altered version of the $weepstakes dance turnaround sprite, here's a comparison to show the small differences.

Also, Toby Fox did a silly concept art for this (from)


Various animations (though unfortunatly not cleanly recreated yet, apologies)
(from) (from) (from)

Shop spritesheet (altered)


The mannequin that can be bought from an Orange Addison in Cyber City features Mettaton's dress, while the other one that appears in Castletown with a Blue Addison features Ralsei's clothing (altered)

(The rest is cut off.)

The paintings that appear during the Snowgrave Route when Spamton takes over Queen's Mansion (altered)


An npc concept that appears in the Undertale Art Book which many fans speculate to be a beta design of Spamton. This has not been confirmed, but there is a certain resemblance, especially when compared to the smile above. (from)

A smile that appears briefly in the basement leading up to the Spamton NEO fight, as well as has a low chance of appearing during Berdly's fight. Who or what it is is unclear, but it's eyes are the same color as Spamton's glasses, implying some connection. The sprite is called IMAGE_FRIEND in the game's files. (altered)

The small moths/bugs that fly out of the chests in the basement leading up to the Spamton NEO fight actually have yellow and pink eyes as well, though the sprite is so small that it's very hard to notice in normal gameplay. The sprite is called spr_tinybug in the game's files.
Specil thanks to mirror-ralsei !

A somewhat similar sprite to IMAGE_FRIEND appeared during the $pamton $weepstakes event, along with a short distorted laugh sound effect. (from) (sfx info)

Unused Toby Fox concept art for an enemy called Mad Mailer.
"These ideas precede (Spamton). Ultimately they were not used because their existence conflicted with those characters. Seems like Mad Mailer's tie would have been prehensile." (from)


Various Toby Fox doodles, gifts from holiday seasons (2021, 2022, 2024 )

Toby Fox apology doodle from the Skeleton Snowglobe $weepstakes prize (from)

Spamton concept art by Deltarune pixel art assistant, Shawn (puppiesandanime). Apparently his shop originally had drawers in the bricks, and the top left glitched area was a number code?
Specil thanks to Decamarks for pointing it out to me!
(from, original unlisted image has been taken down)

Silly Toby Fox Spamton shitpost that I like but doesn't really fit anywhere else (from)

Spamton Angel


F1 "Cherub" and healing animation (from)

Sprite sheet (altered)


A sprite from an interview where Taxiderby, one of the devs on Ch2, talks about creating the "[Press F1 for] HELP" secret. Just wanted to include because it's cute (from)

Spamton NEO


Idle animation (from)

Sprite sheets (altered)

Final attack sprite (altered)


* View all unused and prototype attacks in action and animated here.

Final attack ghost sprites (altered)

The Spamton head sprites used in the "Flying Heads" attack, as well as other unused attacks (from) (altered)

The Spamton head sprites used in the "Eyes, Nose, and Mouth" attack (altered)

The heart sprites used in the "Chained Heart" attack (altered)

Some unused/preliminary sprites (altered)


Gameplay footage from an interview where Jean Canellas, one of the devs on Ch2, talks about working on Sneo's pipis attack for a long time. The attack animations are notably different and some debug text can be seen. Also, the pipis appear a cream color which is different from both their yellow beta design and the blue final design. (from)


The broken down machine as it appears in the overworld of Queen's basement. It does have some appearance differences from both Spamton NEO and Mettaton NEO (altered)


A pannel from The Legend told in Ch1. It features a Delta Rune that somewhat resembles Spamton NEO in its shape, particularly the shading lines that resemble his strings/wires. This, in addition with Spamton and Spamton NEO's angel imagery, and Spamton NEO's apeparance in front of the fountain in the Snowgrave Route, seems to imply some connection. (from)

Related Objects


Sprites of Spamton's dumpster (altered)

Sprites of Spamton's shop background and the phone that appears in it (altered)

The sprite of Spamton's door in Queen's Mansion, which, by the time of the events of Ch2, has been re-assigned to Catty. It is unclear who the scratches were made by (altered)

PIPIS - "The Original" An invasive species of freshwater clam. (altered)

The sprites of the coasters and background images that appear in the Spamton NEO fight. Interestingly, the background of the fight appears to be a broken-down city featuring a large number of Spamton-shaped structures. As Spamton is implied to have been trying to build an amusment park during the height of his success, this part of the city could be related to that. That this whole part of the city is walled off in Queen's basement, along with the fact Spamton's torn poster has been covered by Queen's, is very interesting, and seems to imply Spamton may have even been more powerful than Queen during his Big Shot era. (altered)

The VCR icons used during Spamton NEO's final attack, both in English and Japanese. Notably, Spamton's fondness for death puns is present in the Japanese versions (from)


Concept art for Spamton's house by splendidland !
"I imagined it as being a junk heap of e-mails and deleted icons" (from)

Toby Fox concept art of the Spamton coasters (from)


* Spamton's English speech follows a somewhat predictable pattern: dialog analysis
* Having trouble figuring out how to draw this little freak? Click here for tips!
* Here are some older versions of some of Spamton's music: UTDR 9th Anniversary Newsletter